Committee Information
As an active member, you have the opportunity to be a part of the various committees that support the League’s mission to promote the advancement of Latina women through educational attainment, leadership development, cultural enrichment, and volunteer service. We are an action-oriented organization with active committee work happening all year long, many times simultaneously with one or more committees at a time. If you have a desire to give back to your community, you’re in the right place. We strongly encourage you to jump right in by contacting the Chair of any committee or any member of the board to find the best way you can contribute and give back.
Standing Committees
Membership Committee:
The Membership Committee is comprised of the Vice President of Membership. The duties of this committee shall include:
The recruitment, orientation, and retention of all new and renewed members to the purpose and program of the organization.
Publication of the Membership Directory which shall include the names of all members in good standing at the time of publication deadline.
Distribute copies of the current By-Laws, Policies, and Procedures/Membership Packets.
Fashion Show Committee:
The Fashion Show Committee is comprised of the Chairperson and at least five members. It shall be the duty of this committee to implement an annual event for the purpose of raising funds specific to scholarship awards.
Historian Committee:
Historian committee shall maintain and chronicle the League’s accomplishments and activities for the year by collecting and organizing pictures, programs and newspaper articles about the League and its members. The Historian shall use a book format (scrapbook) to chronicle each year
Ways and Means Committee:
Ways and Means Committee shall be comprised of the Chairperson and at least two members, it shall be the responsibility of this committee to implement small events or activities for the purpose of raising funds for the operational needs of the organization.
Scholarship Committee:
The Scholarship Committee is comprised of the Chairperson and at least five members. It shall be the duty of this committee to review scholarship requirements and applications according to committee guidelines. The total amount of scholarships to be awarded will be determined by the funds available, recommended by the Scholarship Committee and approved by the membership.
Adelante Mujer Hispana (Student) Conference Committee:
The Adelante Mujer Hispana (student) Conference Committee is comprised of the Chairperson and at least five members. It shall be the duty of this Committee to implement a multigenerational career and education conference with focus on high school students. This is not a fundraising event.
Sunshine Committee:
The Sunshine Committee shall be comprised of the Chairperson and two members who will help spread sunshine in times of need, difficulty, or sorrow.
The Committee will send congratulations, sympathy or care and concern to members, immediate family members, or community supporters, and will determine an appropriate form of expression (i.e., plants, flowers, or other small cheerful gifts or cards) not to exceed $50.00 and not to exceed the maximum budget.